Set in a high school in Glasgow, Education follows Ross, the fag seller whose business is dying. Surrounded by his 4 mates and 2 dysfunctional teachers, Ross turns to dealing a harder substance.
But how does he handle the pressure when his stash bursts and he’s left to pick up the pieces for the people he owes?
A comedy of errors dubbed the ‘Scottish Inbetweeners’.
Kickback Theatre was formed in April 2018 by members from the National Ensemble at the Scottish Youth Theatre & acting graduates from Edinburgh Napier & Queen Margaret University. Our mission is to bring entertainment and laugh out loud comedies to our audiences. “Kickback & enjoy our debut production of Education by Michael Dallas”.
Elektronika is a trading name of Electric Theatre Workshop which is a registered charity number SCO42897.
Registered as a company number SC414600 Big Burns Supper, Carlisle Fringe and Le Haggis are registered trademarks.
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